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Bishop Alberto Cosme do Amaral, Opus Dei †
October 12, 1916 — Born. Bishop Alberto do Amaral about the Third Secret of Fatima
“The Secret of Fatima speaks neither of atomic bombs, nor nuclear warheads, nor Pershing Missiles nor SS-20s”, declared Don Alberto Cosme do Amaral, Bishop of the diocese of Leiria-Fatima, during a session of questions and answers which took place in the aula magna of the technical University of Vienna, last September 10. “Its content, he insisted, concerns only our faith. To identify the Secret with catastrophic announcements or with a nuclear holocaust is to deform the meaning of the message.” «“The loss of faith of a continent is worse than the annihilation of a nation; and it is true that faith is continually diminishing in Europe.” The prelate made these declarations accompanied by his secretary and interpreter, Father Luis Kondor, S.V.D. According to the latter, the Pope has serious reasons for not publishing the Secret. When Father Kondor was questioned to find out if Don Alberto had read the famous letter of Lucy, he answered no, but that he could base what he said on the study he had made of the Fatima message.
«The Secret of Fatima does not announce the end of the world»
Mensagem de Fatima, No.161, February 1985, p.1 online Brother Michael of the Holy Trinity The Whole Truth About Fatima Vol.III, Prt.III, Ch.III
Bishop Alberto do Amaral about the Consecration of Russia
In the early 90’s, when people wrote to the seer regarding the consecration of Russia, they would receive this typed reply on the small card she customarily addressed to her correspondents: “The consecration has been done.”[23] How does one explain this sudden change of Lucy’s? The Abbé Caillon, who made enquiries not just in Portugal but also in Rome, uncovered the reason: «The Pope is saying that the consecration is done. He is forcing Lucy to say the same as he.[24]» It was in 1988 that the Vatican gave orders to the Fatima authorities, to Sister Lucy and several ecclesiastics [25] that they were no longer to “importune” the Holy Father with the consecration of Russia: «A directive arrived from Rome, obliging each and every one to say and think, “The consecration is done. Seeing that the Pope has done everything he could, Heaven has deigned to accept his gesture.”[26]» Msgr. Martinez Somalo, Substitute of the Secretariat of State, personally sent this instruction to the Abbé Caillon through his bishop, Msgr. Dubigeon [27]. The order was transmitted to the seer by the bishop of Fatima, Msgr. do Amaral. In a private discussion with him, on March 2, 1995, I asked, «Have you spoken with Sister Lucy since your parlour conversation with her, in the presence of the nuncio, on March 21, 1982? — Yes. I met her once, for a private talk, to convey to her an order from supreme authority. — Had the Pope personally written to you for that purpose? — No, it was the Cardinal Secretary of State who wrote to ask me to carry out this task.» In another conversation, on February 20, 2003, I asked him about the order he had communicated to the seer: «Did John Paul II want her to say “The consecration is done.” Was that the order from the Pope that you passed to Lucy? — Yes, exactly that.» After a moment’s silence, the bishop quizzed me and corrected himself, as though he wanted to undo his admission: he spoke to me about the satisfecit given by Sister Lucy to John Paul II. But it was too late! His answer to my question had been spontaneous, clear-cut and frank. After having received this command in 1988 or 1989, Sister Lucy is said to have confided to her niece, Maria do Fetal, «We must obey authority and wait for better times.[28]» This falsification of the testimony of Heaven’s messenger was immediately exploited in a media campaign to which we have already referred: in the autumn of 1989, Fr. Fox announced in his magazine Fatima Family Messenger that Gorbachev’s perestroika and the fall of the Berlin wall were the fruits of the 1984 consecration. (23) Postcard addressed to M.-F. Fouré in December 1992. Archives of the Little Brothers of the Sacred Heart, Fatima collection. According to the multilingual Mrs. Olga do Cadaval, who helped Sister Lucy in her correspondence for more than twenty years, it was the seer herself who typed this reply. On February 25, 1993 Mrs. do Cadaval informed us: «In the file of letters addressed to Lucy, which I translated yesterday, no one asked her about the consecration of Russia. But in the previous file, two correspondents questioned her on this subject. Sometimes it is bishops and often it is Americans who are concerned about the consecration. As for me, I translate Lucy’s reply on a sheet of paper, namely that “the consecration is done”. Lucy takes my sheet and slips it in the envelope with her card.» (24) Letter from the Abbé Caillon to Maurice Odin, March 8, 1990. Archives of the Little Brothers of the Sacred Heart, Fatima collection. (25) At Fatima, during the summer of 1988, in the presence of several witnesses, Father Messias Coelho informed Mr. Arai Daniele of these Vatican instructions, and he in turn informed me of them in a letter dated November 7, 1990, ibid. (26) Circular letter from the Abbé Caillon dated the second fortnight in March 1990, ibid. (27) We learned this through a private correspondent on October 27, 1900, ibid. (28) Letter from Arai Daniele of November 7, 1990. Ibid. Distortion of Consecration FactsOn March 21, 1982, Msgr. Sante Portalupi, the Papal Nuncio to Portugal, Bishop Alberto Cosme do Amaral of Leiria-Fatima and Dr. Francisco Lacerda were sent by Pope John Paul II to meet with Sister Lucy, to learn from her the requirements necessary to fulfill the Consecration of Russia. She informed them of the requirements for the valid Consecration of Russia according to the request of Our Lady of Fatima: … the Pope, together with all the Catholic bishops of the world on the same day, is to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.However, the Nuncio did not transmit Sister Lucy's full message to the Pope. Bishop do Amaral told Bishop Portalupi not to mention to the Holy Father the requirement that the world's bishops must participate in the Consecration.
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