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Dr. Solideo PaoliniDr. Solideo Paolini is an Italian journalist and a writer.
Solideo Paolini works as a consultant for the «Fatima Center» in Rome. He is the writer of the book «Fatima: Do Not Despise Prophecy».
Interview with Archbishop CapovillaArchbishop Loris Francesco Capovilla was living in retirement in Sotto il Monte. He was the personal Secretary of Pope John XXIII, the first Pope who opened the envelope containing the Third Secret of Fatima. When Pope John XXIII opened the envelope, Archbishop Capovilla was present, and he wrote on the outside of the envelope the judgment given by John XXIII about the Third Secret. Solideo went to see him in Sotto il Monte for an interview. Capovilla, having met the journalist, spoke with him in general, refused to answer specific questions, but asked to send him these questions by mail in writing.
Returning home on Saturday, July 8, 2006, Solideo sent a list of questions to the archbishop the same day. Ten days later, on July 18, 2006, an envelope with answers came in the mail from the archbishop. After reading the answers and wanting to clarify them further, Solideo called Loris Capovilla at 6:45 pm on the same
When he [Archbishop Capovilla] sent me his answers [by mail to questions I had sent to him], I called him on the phone, and he gave me the answer to a question of mine which literally was: “So, Your Excellency, as regards the two dates in which Pope Paul VI (would have) read the Third Secret, March 27th 1965 and June 27th 1963, which are confirmed by different sources, are they both correct because, in fact, there exists two texts regarding the Third Secret?” I asked him this point-blank. He remained silent for a moment, thinking about it, and then he said to me, literally: “Precisely so (Per l’appunto)”.
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