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Father José da Silva Aparicio, S.J.
On July 16, 1926 Lucia arrived at convent of the Dorothean Sisters at Tuy. Father José da Silva Aparicio became her confessor. At that time he was superior of the Jesuit Fathers’ residence in Tuy.[Frere Michel de la Sainte Trinite, The Whole Truth About Fatima, Vol.II, Prt.II, Ch.VII.] Entering the Society of Jesus when he was sixteen, appointed Superior of the Jesuits in Tuy in 1921, he would become one of the spiritual directors of the the seer of Fatima after she had entered the Dorothean Sisters. He would leave Tuy on September 24, 1927, but Sister Lucy would always remain very attached to him. Extracts from her correspondence with him, published by Fr. Antonio Maria Martins, proves this unquestionably. Let us quote one of her letters: «I am very grateful to you for the salutary counsels you so kindly gave me. They encourage me to continue to lead my life solely and exclusively for the love of Our Good Lord. Any new advice from your Reverence is always a new spark that kindles the small fire of my soul, at times close to going out. It is always a new invitation to more generously embrace the practice of my promises to the unique love of our souls.» Father Martins, who wrote a biography of Father Aparicio, thought that he might one day be beatified. Furthermore, Father Alonso, who knew from the Fatima documents about his very close relationship with the seer, stated: «I have a real devotion for Father Aparicio whom I would love to see esteemed and honoured as he deserves.»
Father José Aparicio (1879-1966)
Brother Franсois de Marie des Anges The Whole Truth About Fatima Vol.IV. Ch.I
This Jesuit [Father Aparicio], whom she [Sister Lucy] venerated, had left in 1938 for Brazil where he had been successively rector, novice master and finally superior of the Vice Province of North Brazil. In 1960, he had come back to Portugal to take part on August 15 in the celebration of the centenary of the foundation of the Jesuit novitiate in Soutelo. «The venerable old man», writes Father Martins, «then suffered the greatest disappointment of his life: he was unable to speak with Sister Lucy.»
Father José Aparicio (1879-1966)
Brother Franсois de Marie des Anges The Whole Truth About Fatima Vol.IV. Ch.I Wise and Holy Jesuit… without having sought it in the slightest, Sister Lucy had the privilege of being directed and advised throughout her life as seer by an impressive series of priests whose intelligence, supernatural wisdom, spirit of discernment and often even personal sanctity were unanimously recognized. This fact undoubtedly corresponded to a design of Providence, for thus all were able to guarantee the authenticity of her apparitions or divine communications. At Aljustrel, we recall, after the good and holy Father Cruz, there were Canon Formigao and the dean of Olival, who both equally enjoyed a great renown for sanctity (On the uncommon virtues of the dean of Olival, read Canon Galamba’s testimony in Jacinta, p. 139-140. For Canon Formigao, we have already cited the voluminous biography by Father Alonso, which concludes with the request for the opening of his process of beatification). At Asilo de Vilar, Lucy was directed by two priests, one of whom became later on titular Bishop of Gurza, then auxiliary Bishop of Lisbon with the title of Archbishop of Cizico (Bishop Manuel Ferreira), and the other became vicar general of Porto (Msgr. Pereira Lopes). At Pontevedra and Tuy, after Don Lino Garcia, there were two wise and holy Jesuits, Fathers Aparicio and Gonçalves, who were entrusted with her soul. When they left for the missions, we find our seer in continued communications with Bishop Manuel Ferreira and with the Bishop of Tuy, of whom we will speak later. Now none of these eminent ecclesiastics who had the privilege of knowing the secrets of her soul, including Bishop da Silva or Cardinal Cerejeira, ever doubted the authenticity of the divine communications with which she was favoured. It must be said that few mystics have received so many marks of esteem and trust from the hierarchical Church.
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