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Metropolitan Anthony of SourozhAnthony of Sourozh (russ. Антоний Сурожский) was best known as a pastor, preacher, spiritual director and writer on prayer and the Christian life. He was founder and for many years bishop — then archbishop, then metropolitan — of the Diocese of Sourozh, the Patriarchate of Moscow's diocese for Great Britain and Ireland.
Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh about Vatican and ConstantinopleABOUT CATHOLICITY: It is time for us to realize that Rome only thinks of “absorbing” Orthodoxy. Theological encounters and “rapprochement” on the texts lead us nowhere. For behind them is the firm determination of the Vatican to swallow up the Orthodox Church. ON THE SITUATION OF CONSTANTINOPLE: Isn't it time for all Orthodox Churches to bring to the surface not only the desire, but also the intention to turn the See of Constantinople into an “Eastern Papacy”? Not at the level of the “Great Ecumenical Council”, which will never meet, and if it does, then for such a short period that there will be no talk of any in-depth dialogue; but at the level of the meeting of the Patriarchs with a small number of Theologians.
Letter from Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh
To His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II in front of the Bishops' Council February 18-22, 1997 By decision of the Patriarch, the letter was read at the Council. Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate. 1997. No. 5. pp. 9-13;
What is your name, my brother? Abel or Cain?
In my message to the Council, I expressed myself very sharply about Catholicism, that we cannot believe in friendly movements on the part of Catholicism in relation to Orthodoxy, because their goal is to absorb Orthodoxy and convert everyone to the Catholic faith. Here I must make a distinction which I did not make in the epistle. I think we need to distinguish between two things: a believing Catholic (priest, bishop, or lay person) who lives his faith and who shares it, because his heart is overflowing with love for God and love for the person with whom he speaks. And on the other hand, the Vatican and management. These are very different elements. I think: we cannot trust the Vatican and its representatives, because their only goal is to dilute Orthodoxy and turn us into Catholics. But we can communicate with a living Catholic, whether he is a priest, a bishop or a layman, on the basis of our common faith and we can do a lot together and support each other. But the Orthodox cannot surrender to the propaganda of the Vatican and the deception that constitutes Vatican politics. When the Patriarch asked me how he felt about the Vatican's statement that we are sisters of the Church. I told him: “Remember 'Three Conversations' by V. Solovyov about how one person says, when they tell me I am your brother, then I ask what is your name Abel or Cain.” This is very harshly said. I don't think that the Pope is Cain in relation to the Orthodox Church. I wanted to emphasize by this that something very decisive and serious is at stake here, and that we can enter into conversation and deep fellowship, but we must know that behind this is church policy and the goal of converting all Orthodoxy to Catholicism.
Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh
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