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Enthronement of Christ in the world
Immanent, transcendent, and historical aspects
Christ's enthronement on earth as King is connected with His Incarnation. He was already born as the
"King of the Jews,"
whom the magi sought in order to venerate Him ("Where is he that is born King of the Jews?"
The co-reign with Christ in His Kingdom
The Kingdom of the Lamb is not only His personal dignity and ministry. It is also the royalty that He communicates to His people;
it is the special royal dignity and charisma of the people of God, of the
"royal priesthood"
Fr. Sergius Bulgakov
The Lamb of God Ch.V, The Work of Christ III.B. The Form of Christ's Enthronement
The enthronement of Christ on earth for His one-thousand-year reign will become perfectly evident, as evident as His enthronement was during His royal entry into Jerusalem. The curve of history, with upward and downward fluctuations, goes upward at this point and meets heaven; but then it falls sharply downward in the final revolt of Gog and Magog, beyond which one can see the end and the interruption of the curve, the transcensus. This prophecy — contrary to the prevailing doctrine, which it would be erroneous to consider as the dogmatic definition of the Church — refers to the as-yet-unactualized future, so that it is impossible to conceive it concretely. According to the content of this prophecy, one can in any case establish that, during the "first resurrection," the wall separating the world of the living from the world of the dead disappears, as it were, precisely for the souls who have come back to life and who reign with Christ for a thousand years. It is through these souls that Christ Himself reigns on earth. This event, connected also with the enchainment of Satan for a thousand years, represents an important step on the path of Christ's enthronement; and in general it belongs to His royal ministry.
Fr. Sergius Bulgakov
The Lamb of God Ch.V, The Work of Christ III.B. The Form of Christ's Enthronement
The main dogmatic theme of the Revelation
The whole Revelation is dedicated to depicting this accession of Christ in the world, for which, however, the last, final act will be the millennial kingdom of saints with Christ, their blessed destiny.
The main and only theme of the Apocalypse, like his prophetic sermon, is to courageously and completely
endure history,
for it is also
the reign of Christ the King, the path to the Kingdom of Christ in the world,
accomplished on the cross and accomplished on the cross ways of the world.
"Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen"
… the main dogmatic theme of Revelation, its guiding thought ‹…› — in terms of Christology — can be expressed so that the Revelation contains the doctrine of Christ's accession to the world; its dogmatic premise is ‹…› the doctrine of the redemption of the human race by the blood of the Lamb, i.e. His high priestly ministry.
The whole world will render obedience to Christ the King
5. ‹…› we Ourselves, consenting to very many long-continued desires and prayers of Bishops and people, brought to completion and perfected, by God's grace, when at the close of the Jubilee Year, We instituted the Feast of Christ the King of All, to be solemnly celebrated throughout the whole Christian world. Now when we did this, not only did we set in a clear light that supreme sovereignty which Christ holds over the whole universe, over civil and domestic society, and over individual men, but at the same time we anticipated the joys of that most auspicious day, whereon the whole world will gladly and willingly render obedience to the most sweet lordship of Christ the King.
See also