On July 20, 1963 Conchita left the Church saying that she had had an intimate conversation with Our Lord. Priest asked her to relate the circumstances in writing.
Then the girl took a piece of paper and a pencil, and wrote these lines spontaneously with great ease.
I was making my thanksgiving and praying for things. He answered me…
I asked Him to give me a Cross since I was living without suffering — except the suffering of not having a Cross. And he answered:
Yes. I will give it to you.
And with much feeling, I went on praying.
And I said to Him:
— Why is the miracle coming?
To convert many people?
He answered:
To convert the whole world.
─ Will Russia be converted?
It also will be converted, and so everyone will love Our Hearts.
─ Will the chastisement come afterwards?
He did not answer me.
─ Why do you come to my poor heart, without my meriting it?
I certainly do not come for you;
I come for all.
─ When the Miracle comes, will it be as if I were the only one who had seen the Virgin?
He answered me:
By your sacrifices, your patience, I will allow you to intercede for the accomplishment of the miracle.
And I said to him:
─ Wouldn’t it be better for me to be with all the others;
or if not, that You don’t use any of us to intercede?
He told me:
─ Will I go to heaven?
And He answered me:
You should love much and pray to Our Hearts.
─ When will You give me a Cross?
And He didn’t answer me:
─ What will I be?
He didn’t answer me. He only told me that everywhere that I would be, I would have much to suffer.
I said to Him:
─ Am I going to die soon?
And He told me:
You have to stay on earth to help the world.
And I said to Him:
─ I am very small. I couldn’t help in anything.
And He told me:
With your prayers and sufferings, you will help the world.
─ When does one go to heaven?
When one dies?
He said to me:
One never dies.
(I thought that we didn’t go to heaven until we were resurrected).
I asked Him if St. Peter was at the gate of Heaven to receive us.
He told me:
While I was in this conversation, in this prayer with God, I felt myself out of the world.
Jesus also told me that
“Now His Heart should be loved.”
Concerning priests, He told me that I must pray much:
“So that they would be holy and fulfill their duties;
so that they would make others better;
so that they would make Me known to those, who do not know Me,
and so that they would make Me loved by those who know Me and do not love Me.”
(Signed): Conchita González