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Garabandal. Letter of Conchita (1965-06-02)The Warning is a very fearful thingIn a letter dated June 2, 1965, Conchita writes: The Blessed Virgin told me on the first of January that a Warning would be given before the Miracle so that the world might amend itself. This Warning, like the Chastisement, is a very fearful thing for the good as well as for the wicked. It will draw the good closer to God and it will warn the wicked that the end of time is coming and that these are the last warnings. There is more to it than this, but it can't be said by letter. No one can stop if from happening. It is certain, although I know nothing concerning the day or the date.
Garabandal Magazine
The Warning and The Miracle, p.7 [pdf] In another apparition, the year of the Warning was made known to Mari Loli but she has felt impelled not to reveal it. See also