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Fatima. Rosary. Two Letters of Sister Lucia to Mother MartinsFrom the letter of Sister Lucia to Mother Martins (1970-09-16)On September 16, 1970, Sister Lucy wrote to a friend in religion, Mother Maria José Martins (she died a holy death on April 21, 1972), who had been her companion at Tuy, in the novitiate of the Dorothean Sisters: … From what you tell me, I see that you have had much to suffer! This is the penance which Our Lord asks of you now; and these penances which He sends us Himself are the most painful ones. But they are also the ones which unite us the most to Him, Who was the Martyr of Sorrows. I too, was not feeling very well in my heart, my eyes, etc; but it is necessary to fill up in ourselves what is lacking to the Passion of Christ; it is necessary that His members be one with Him, through physical pain and through moral anguish. Poor Lord, He has saved us with so much love and He is so little understood! so little loved! so badly served! It is painful to see such a great disorientation and in so many persons who occupy places of responsibility!… For our part we must, as far as is possible for us, try to make reparation through an ever more intimate union with the Lord; and identify ourselves with Him that He may be in us the Light of the world plunged in the darkness of error, immorality and pride. It pains me to see what you tell me, now that that is going on over here…! It is because the devil has succeeded in infiltrating evil under cover of good, and the blind are beginning to guide others, as the Lord tells us in His Gospel, and souls are letting themselves be deceived. Gladly I sacrifice myself and offer my life to God for peace in His Church, for priests and for all consecrated souls, especially for those who are so deceived and misled! From the letter of Sister Lucia to Mother Martins (1971-12-??)In December, 1970, Sister Lucy wrote again to Mother Martins, expressing the same thoughts: Thus the little pamphlets (referring to a text on the Rosary composed by Sister Lucy) will remain with souls, as an echo of Our Lady’s voice, to remind them of the insistence with which She recommended the prayer of the Rosary to us, so many times. It is because She already knew that there had to come these times, during which the devil and his supporters would fight so much against this prayer, to lead souls away from God. And without God, who shall be saved?! For this reason we must do everything in our power to lead souls back to God. See alsoLinks