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Fatima. Revelation at Tuy (1941-06-12)Excerpts from the letter of Sr. Lucia to Archbishop Garcia y Garcia of ValladolidTo satisfy the desires of Our Good Lord and Your Excellency, with the greatest clarity possible for me I explain what the Good Lord deigned to communicate to me so that I could pass it on to you. THE HOLY HOURS OF ADORATION AND REPARATION With the permission of my superiors, I have the custom of remaining in prayer in the chapel until midnight from Thursday to Friday. In these hours of very great recollection, the Good Lord has the habit of communicating Himself so intensely to my poor soul that I do not doubt His presence in any way. Ordinarily, after having confounded me in my own nothingness and my own misery by making me feel what there is in me that displeases Him, He continues by lamenting other things which, in the poor world, cause Him such pain. THE EVILS OF THE CHURCH IN SPAIN On June 12, 1941, He complained especially about the coldness and laxity of the clergy of Spain both secular and regular, and the indifference of the sinful life of the Christian people. THE REMEDY PROPOSED And He continued thus:
“If the bishops of Spain gathered each year in a house specially chosen to make their retreat, and if, with a common accord, they decided on the course to follow in leading the souls confided to them, they would receive enlightenment and special graces from the Divine Spirit.” “Make it known to the Archbishop (of Valladolid) that I ardently desire the bishops to meet in a retreat to arrange among themselves and determine with a common accord the means to be employed for the reform of the Christian people and to remedy the laxity of the clergy and a great part of the religious. The number of those who serve Me in the practice of sacrifice is very limited. I have need of souls and of priests who serve Me by sacrificing themselves for Me and for souls…” See also